Project Details
The Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building is a 5-story, 330,000-sf, LEED Gold, research laboratory with VAV Air handling systems with Phoenix lab controls throughout. New chilled water plant, hot water plant, steam plant and associated pipe distribution systems. Lab gas and plumbing systems throughout. Includes a 5,000 square foot data center.
In 2018, MTech completed the 3-story, 57,500-sf new Wing E Addition to the North side of the existing building. This presented challenges working on a busy, occupied campus requiring strict construction protocols in not making noise or vibration. The facility contains numerous classrooms, offices, laboratories and conference rooms.
- LocationBoulder, Colorado
- ClientJE Dunn Construction / Adolfson & Peterson Construction
- EngineerCator Ruma and Associates
- ProcurementDesign-Assist
2012 / 2018
Total Sq. Footage